Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Group Status Update Continued: MWL

In the last few weeks, we have been updating everyone on the current status and plans of women lawyers groups in Minnesota. We have gone through most of MWL's recently-passed 2009-2012 Strategic Goals, with only one more to explore. (To see all the goal postings together, click on the "Strategic Plan" label at the bottom of this post).

STRATEGIC GOAL E: Develop and implement social action initiatives that advance MWL’s mission.

  1. Evaluate the alignment of MWL’s judicial committees and their work as it relates to MWL’s mission and develop a plan of action to move forward.
  2. Define MWL’s social action goals and guidelines and align MWL’s committees with them.

This goal is one that contemplates a broad reach for MWL, and puts some of the broader goals into more tangible terms. For example, the group will be working toward its mission of "advanc[ing] the success of women lawyers and striv[ing] for a just society" through finding some of the more definable policies and social initiatives that can help achieve this mission.

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